Lower Big Haynes Creek Pump Station - Max Foote Construction
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Lower Big Haynes Creek Pump Station

Owner: Gwinnett County Department of Water Resources

Engineer: Gresham Smith and Partners


Located near Loganville, Georgia, this project consisted of a new 17 MGD raw sewage pump station, including a cast in place concrete wetwell and pump station structure, six 385 HP and three 335 HP submersible pumps, three 42” channel grinders, a 250# ductile iron discharge piping system including 250# check and plug valves, a Bioxide chemical storage and feed system, an odor control system, and a 4 MG above ground raw sewage prestressed concrete storage tank. Yard piping systems included a 45’ deep 54” influent sewer line, a 30’ deep 48” influent sewer line, a 36” 250# high pressure discharge force main, and 36” storage tank supply and return lines. Also included were two 2250 KW generators with load management system for full backup capacity of the station, effluent and storage flow metering, and a SCADA system connected to the county wide controls for automated operation. Construction of the pump station wet well required a 60 foot deep engineered open cut excavation in soil and rock, which also required a dewatering system.